NY Times on Gridwise: "These Apps Are an Uber Driver’s Co-Pilot"

Driving for ride-sharing companies is a juggling act. To maximize their income, drivers often keep Uber on one screen and Lyft on another.

These two apps are the giants in the field, but a smaller ecosystem is sprouting around them, to help ride-share drivers get the most out of their shifts, and also to help passengers save money and time.

Seventy percent of ride-share drivers hit the road part time, so an important first question many ask is “when should I drive?” said Ryan Green, chief executive of Gridwise, a mobile app that provides important data for drivers. That information can include detailed airport traffic trends, weather forecasts, traffic conditions, local event schedules and how many other ride-share drivers are on the road, and earnings performance reports. Knowing these things, a driver can try to find the best spots to make the most money.

Drivers have different preferences, Mr. Green said: “We want to equip them to make the best decisions.”